Book James

What's Happening to My Way of Life? (DON'T Get Dashed on the Rocks!)

Oct 24, 2022

For most of the latter half of the 20th century and first decade of the 21st, they key to surviving and thriving in the modern western world was what might be termed 'effective adaptedness' - the ability to shape oneself to fit a a social and economic niche within the world around you. That has now largely changed (and will likely continue to do so going forward). If we are to survive and thrive as the world gets more volatile, we need to develop something more than adaptedness, we need ADAPTIVENESS.

Adaptedness Vs Adaptiveness! The key distinction for our times.


Tripp & Crowe Podcast (All Formats):

The Nexus - Developing Adaptiveness and Creating Yourself to Create the Life You Want:

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